Tush is the daughter of Luna (http://blueknightlabs.com/luna/). We have two daughters out of Luna (Tush and Gilda), a year apart in age. Tush is the quiet one <smile>. Page and photos coming as soon as we can get them up.

Named after the Gilda Radner, the comedian. Her registered name is Blue Knight Montview It’s Always Somethin’ Her personality gave rise to her name at the ripe old age of 3 days old. … it’s ALWAYS somethin’!!
Gilda is a full sister to Tush, but is one year younger.
Dogs that we have retired, and those who now live with family or friends:

Sweet Dahlia is Rumble’s daughter. Some may find her registered name odd (Blue Knight Black Dahlia). Dahlia’s are my favorite flower, and I’ve always been intrigued by the story of the Black Dahlia, and saddened that a beautiful woman was left as she was after her murder. Dalhia’s name is a tribute to a beautiful flower, and a woman who deserves to be remembered for what she endured. It is only fitting that our Dahlia grew to be a beautiful girl with a gentle spirit.

Mariah suffered a Pyometra (severe uterine infection) and had a life-saving emergency spay. 2020 – the year that just kept on giving… My sister, brother-in-law, and Niece, had just lost her 13 year old dog, leaving them broken-hearted, so, Mariah filled the hole in their hearts, and loves being an only dog!

Luna is spayed and happily retired in California. You can see how tough life is for her. <smile>

Rose is a sister to Dahlia, daughter of Rumble. She too is named after a flower (Black Rose). Her lovely head never ceases to please us.Rose is silly, impish, and lovable.
Rose is now retired, and living with a wonderful family.